Buying A Hot Tar Hose? Key Points To Consider
A hot tar hose needs to be durable and long lasting. Both these features are achievable, but the hose you select has a lot to do with just how easy these features can be achieved. Make certain you know what to look for in a hot tar hose. Here are some tips to get you started.
Intended Function
Hot tar applications commonly include usage for roof or road repairs. Which one of these applications is your primary function? Some hoses are designed to function for either role; however, there are some hoses that are intended solely for roof applications or for road applications.
Choosing a hose without this consideration leaves you with a hose that will under-perform and may even fail prematurely since it's not being used properly. A hose will generally list its intended function so make sure you're reviewing this information. However, if you want to stay on the safe side, simply choose a dual functioning hose.
Hose Cover
Always try to look for a hose that has a cover. The average tar hose is going to be made from a metal material. This is both good and bad. Metal is durable and long-lasting, but it's also subject to damage from moisture and scratching. When you choose a hose with a cover, you can eliminate this issue.
Covered hoses are covered with an outer tube, often made from fiberglass that is designed to insulate it from damage. These hoses sometimes require a larger investment, but they can preserve your hose and extend its lifespan, so they are often worth it.
Heat Restrictions
All hot tar hoses will have higher heat capacity levels than traditional hoses, but all hot tar hoses do not have the same capacity levels. To see what level of heat the hose can withstand, you need to investigate its intermittent heat rating.
It's important to understand that one temperature capacity isn't necessary better than another. The selection you choose should be based solely on the unit that produces the tar. If the tar is produced at 400 degrees, choosing a hose that has an intermittent capacity of 350 degrees is going to be a mistake. Simply ensure the tar temperature and the capacity rating of the hose are aligned.
By taking these factors into consideration, you can better ensure you're paired with a hose that doesn't just meet your needs, but that will also last a long time, which is important.